The 4WDTribe Podcast
The 4WDTribe Podcast
Planning for the Canning Stock Route
Next year I plan to do the Canning Stock Route. I think I'm going to go Tagalong with Jed Currey from Explore WA 4WD Adventures. So in this episode I pick his brains on what to expect and how to plan.
It's a long episode and we talk about a lot of elements of traversing the Canning. I hope you enjoy it like I did talking to Jed.
By the way, no discounts, deals or payments were exchanged for any part of this episode. No matter how you want to drive the Canning there will be some info to take away in this episode.
Tagalongs are not for everyone, but I've done a few now and by and large I have enjoyed them heaps and found them an easy way to drive areas I'm not familiar with. That's probably why I speak about them favourably.
Want to contact me? Got an idea for a podcast? Are you an expert at something? Lets talk.