The 4WDTribe Podcast
"The 4WD Tribe Podcast" is all about the amazing people, places and things that make the 4WDTribe lifestyle so interesting. It's all conversations and having a yarn about what makes the 4WDTribe one of the most interesting tribes on the planet.The theme of the episodes will be a yarn with people I (Host Andy Ireland) come across in my travels who interest me and I hope you. With informative and entertaining stories about the 4WDTribe we belong to. If you have 4WD interest I hope you give it a go, subscribe and stick with the podcast as it grows.
The 4WDTribe Podcast
How To Save Yourself Grief, Angst, Money and Arse Clenching On The 4WD Track
Andy Ireland 4wd'er always in search of a good story
Attention! Apparently there is a 16 second silent period from 8:54. Until I can work out how to fix it now it’s published please be aware. Thanks! MadMatt 4WD and I chew the fat about 4WD Training and the new course Matt has developed, making it super easy to learn 4WD skills and techniques and save yourself a long and slow learning curve on the tracks. From what I've seen of the course I reckon it's good and I'm not getting paid to say that. You make your own mind up. Check it out at the link below.
4WD Training with MadMatt